September 22nd, 2009

 Packed to the hilt and ready to go on our first camping trip! We met up with the family and stopped to see the Redwoods before driving over the pass to the campground. We were in awe of the grandeur of these immense trees and their Creator. lunching One of the fallen trees created a tunnel we could walk through! Jerome, our “log gremlin” :-) Ian needed some encouragement to hike when he should have been napping. There were mountain Dogwoods beneath the grand Redwoods! Jerome and I out of a cabin window. Anybody remember whose cabin this was? Thanks for the pic, Scott! and the hand, Jerome :-) perspective Auntie Anna with her “log gremlins” going back through. a window a farewell On the road again, heading over the mountain to King’s Canyon where we will camp. We stopped at the top on a vista of the Canyon Here you can see the King’s River “Woah! Are we really going down there?” yup :-) Jerome collecting rocks at every opportunity. Sweet Jane holding onto Seth who was making me nervous with his jumping around. On the road down we saw this massive rock. Peter said looked like God had taken a slice of butter out of it. Down to the roaring river And finally to the campsite! Ian and Bough were instant buddies! this was Rebekah’s first camping trip, too! Thanks to the Jones’ for their wonderful camping gear, and to our family who organized this amazing trip!

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September 11th, 2009

It just so happened that Pete had a wedding booked in Los Angeles the day after my Santa Barbara wedding. It happened to be perfect timing for him to be here to second shoot for me, and it also turned out to be very convenient timing for an anniversary trip for Pete and Sarah’s eighth year married! They spent a refreshing, memorable and providential weekend in California. They shared their time with us, catching up, making memories, and enjoying being together.

On Sunday we walked down memory lane and through their old town Culver City on a double date/photo shoot and had a blast! Definitely something we’ll do again someday!

 Sarah and I I love jumping photos! and arches :-) and Sarah! our turn in the arch  da vinci kisses under palms under exposed sun flare just makes the photo. Sarah grabbed this one on  my camera! They can work it even if it ain’t real! I love to watch them together they are centered on Christ and real and so fun to hang out with! Hahaha! See?  adorable great wall, great light… and great friends! Love you guys so much! our turn again :-) Sarah workin’ it! laughter Pete with his D90! Sarah’s capture on my camera A great ending to a wonderful day. But it felt like you weren’t really leaving. Isn’t that the beauty of true friendship? <hugs>

Pete, I think we still need to trade discs? Lemme know!

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June 16th, 2009

We’re not breaking from school because we’re having too much fun reading our Sonlight books and the boys are having a blast with Aunt Brooke teaching them hands on Science…but I will only occasionally blog this summer. When Peter is in school and I have late nights alone it’s nice to be able to blog. Now that he’s out for the summer we’re spending our evenings together as a family and soaking up every minute of it! I don’t want to be on the computer when he’s home, so my blogging pace will be slowed until CSUN resumes for the 09-10 school year.

My thanks to all of you who so graciously leave encouraging comments…and my love to my family so far away.

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June 16th, 2009

It’s hard to believe he’s four…he seems older than he really is. 🙂 Zachary is a very inquisitive little guy who wants to know about everything and can ask because he’s very articulate. My Seth loves to play with him which is a good thing because they’re cousins, only about seven months apart and great buddies.

He had a birthday the beginning of this month and his parents planned a wonderful day at the tidepools for all his little friends. The Lord blessed us with a beautiful day at the beach when it was cold and cloudy at home. We all enjoyed it so much and only left when the tide started rising and we became hungry for dinner.

Zachary, we love you! Happy Birthday little guy!

 Papa came to the beach! exploring! I love how cliffy it looks the closest gull decided Peter was too close the other didn’t seem to care. Jerome made his way up no problem. (We think he’s part mountain goat.) Aunt Abby helped Seth climb up. I love all the blue! Thanks Abby for the photo! back down to the beach We loved watching Seth enjoy the beach! He seemed delighted and thrilled and fascinated by it all. The birthday boy arrived! Papa with happy baby Eden! Ian enjoying a bucket of water… and going back for more with Daddy. tidepools! Scott showing Brennan a starfish A purple starfish! Mom found a hermit crab! Seth got a turn to hold it and dropped it when it came out to pinch him. A headland down from that little cliff we climbed earlier. This is Abby. and Anna took Jerome out. He’s the little one to the right. Auntie Jane had Bekah exploring from the backpack. Grandma and Seth exploring together. Jane and Seth discovering Ian trying to keep his balance on the rocks. Jerome came back to tell us all about his adventure and took on the little rocks Jerome looking at the purple seastar and a sea anemone! Jane showed him how to poke it, Jerome said it felt like it sucked on his finger! Seth wrote an S with a seaweed in the sand and watched a wave come up and erase it. Daddy and Ian in the tidepools Ian looked so little at the beach. I love the blues and yellow! the birthday boy taking a break from digging. Hello Mr. Sand Crab! the two four year olds Uh oh, you never know what Seth is up to! cousins Ian’s very own tide pool Thank you, Daddy! Donna’s party with baby Eden in the shade Abby, Rebekah, and Stephanie :-) the boys exploring futher on. I like the mimicked balance posture of the surfer beyond him. He had not fallen, he deliberately sat like that. Seth watching the surfers. and enjoying a last wave before heading home. Point Mugu I recognized that hill…we’ve climbed it earlier this year! I have thouroughly enjoyed the clouds! They call it June Gloom in SoCal, but I love it! I loved how the setting sun was catching these tarps. It was a spectacular and wonderful day! Thank you Jesus!

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May 24th, 2009

He is a blessing beyond words. Literally. I cannot find words to describe our Ian. He has a unique personality with a slowly growing vocabulary, and quickly growing independence, a strong will and a great big heart. He loves balls, balloons, bubbles, anything that goes, dogs, babies, his brothers, and he adores his daddy! If he’s upset at Mommy he cries for “Ma Daddy!”. 🙂 His word for yes is “Da” and he puts a hard “H” sound at the end of words like “rock” and “truck” and “lock” (his word for shut). I look forward to his vocabulary growing, and I love to hear him try out (and make up) new words!

I think he looks a lot like Jerome at two.

My prayer for him is that as he grows he will see his great need for Jesus, that he would be a blessing to all those in his life, and that his life will count for God’s kingdom. Thank you, Jesus, for entrusting him into our care and blessing us with his life!

Here are party photos with a big thanks to all who could come and celebrate Ian’s birthday with us!

 Goodmorning birthday boy! Sitting for a moment for Mommy looking for airplanes and he’s done taking pictures! Party time! Thank you everyone, for coming! you made our day so special! I love you, Ian Daniel! It took him a while to get used to all the people at our house.Peter took these next few… Brennan Boo! Becca and Noel! Kathy and Eden getting to know each other Thank you for the balloons, Anna! Noel’s Meyer Lemon Cake My first attempt at Donna’s chocolate cake. Yum! Sophia and Brennan are excited about cake time, too! expectation blowing from far away Blowing his candle out there! :-) yay! we love you! He want’s chocolate :-) He also wants to cut his own cake! So Daddy’s helping his two year old… serve his own piece of cake! Ian enjoying a balloon and listening to Mema sing Happy Birthday to him from GA! Ian “showing” Mema his balloon! (If only we could see through phone lines…and touch through Skype!) The concrete pad was a whirlwind of children on wheels! You wouldn’t know it from this photo, but Ian was very happy to see Sienna! Ian really did not want me taking his picture. This is his no! He’s fine with candids so long as he doesn’t have to look at a camera and smile! Sienna with her daddy! Erika and Savannah! Present time! Peter helped Ian open his presents A dragon puppet from Ty! Thank you, Ty! SO fun! He was so excited about his presents! He held it up and said “YAY”! Of all our boys, Ian loves his clothes the most. He even made sure they fit! Thank you Auntie Jane! a gathering of loved ones orange ribbon I love how he leaned back to let Daddy help him precious smile Thank you for the books, Grandma! diggin Yay! A puzzle! Thank you, Turner family! “Ooh!” a tag! SO excited! You can almost hear him yelling “YAY”! (He  had just opened a ball from Sienna)”Ooooh!” Lots of wonderful books from Sienna! Last gift… A tractor! Ian was yelling “Yay! Yay! Yay!” Thank you, Sophia! And thank you to all who came and helped us celebrate Ian’s birthday!

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