He is a blessing beyond words. Literally. I cannot find words to describe our Ian. He has a unique personality with a slowly growing vocabulary, and quickly growing independence, a strong will and a great big heart. He loves balls, balloons, bubbles, anything that goes, dogs, babies, his brothers, and he adores his daddy! If he’s upset at Mommy he cries for “Ma Daddy!”. 🙂 His word for yes is “Da” and he puts a hard “H” sound at the end of words like “rock” and “truck” and “lock” (his word for shut). I look forward to his vocabulary growing, and I love to hear him try out (and make up) new words!

I think he looks a lot like Jerome at two.

My prayer for him is that as he grows he will see his great need for Jesus, that he would be a blessing to all those in his life, and that his life will count for God’s kingdom. Thank you, Jesus, for entrusting him into our care and blessing us with his life!

Here are party photos with a big thanks to all who could come and celebrate Ian’s birthday with us!

 Goodmorning birthday boy! Sitting for a moment for Mommy looking for airplanes and he’s done taking pictures! Party time! Thank you everyone, for coming! you made our day so special! I love you, Ian Daniel! It took him a while to get used to all the people at our house.Peter took these next few… Brennan Boo! Becca and Noel! Kathy and Eden getting to know each other Thank you for the balloons, Anna! Noel’s Meyer Lemon Cake My first attempt at Donna’s chocolate cake. Yum! Sophia and Brennan are excited about cake time, too! expectation blowing from far away Blowing his candle out there! :-) yay! we love you! He want’s chocolate :-) He also wants to cut his own cake! So Daddy’s helping his two year old… serve his own piece of cake! Ian enjoying a balloon and listening to Mema sing Happy Birthday to him from GA! Ian “showing” Mema his balloon! (If only we could see through phone lines…and touch through Skype!) The concrete pad was a whirlwind of children on wheels! You wouldn’t know it from this photo, but Ian was very happy to see Sienna! Ian really did not want me taking his picture. This is his no! He’s fine with candids so long as he doesn’t have to look at a camera and smile! Sienna with her daddy! Erika and Savannah! Present time! Peter helped Ian open his presents A dragon puppet from Ty! Thank you, Ty! SO fun! He was so excited about his presents! He held it up and said “YAY”! Of all our boys, Ian loves his clothes the most. He even made sure they fit! Thank you Auntie Jane! a gathering of loved ones orange ribbon I love how he leaned back to let Daddy help him precious smile Thank you for the books, Grandma! diggin Yay! A puzzle! Thank you, Turner family! “Ooh!” a tag! SO excited! You can almost hear him yelling “YAY”! (He  had just opened a ball from Sienna)”Ooooh!” Lots of wonderful books from Sienna! Last gift… A tractor! Ian was yelling “Yay! Yay! Yay!” Thank you, Sophia! And thank you to all who came and helped us celebrate Ian’s birthday!

This entry was posted on Sunday, May 24th, 2009 at 8:44 pm and is filed under General. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

3 Responses to “Our Baby’s Two!”

Katy Says:

It looks like you guys had a lot of fun! I so wish I could have been there. Love you Ian 🙂

sarah Says:

Happy Birthday, Ian! Wow, I can’t believe he is 2 years old…what a sweetheart. I really wish we could have been with you there to celebrate. Looking forward to visiting with you and your precious family in just a couple more weeks!

GiGi Says:

If tears could get me closer… I would be there! I can’t believe how grown up my Ian Daniel is! Please shower him in hugs and kisses from Gigi.

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