Packed to the hilt and ready to go on our first camping trip! We met up with the family and stopped to see the Redwoods before driving over the pass to the campground. We were in awe of the grandeur of these immense trees and their Creator. lunching One of the fallen trees created a tunnel we could walk through! Jerome, our “log gremlin” :-) Ian needed some encouragement to hike when he should have been napping. There were mountain Dogwoods beneath the grand Redwoods! Jerome and I out of a cabin window. Anybody remember whose cabin this was? Thanks for the pic, Scott! and the hand, Jerome :-) perspective Auntie Anna with her “log gremlins” going back through. a window a farewell On the road again, heading over the mountain to King’s Canyon where we will camp. We stopped at the top on a vista of the Canyon Here you can see the King’s River “Woah! Are we really going down there?” yup :-) Jerome collecting rocks at every opportunity. Sweet Jane holding onto Seth who was making me nervous with his jumping around. On the road down we saw this massive rock. Peter said looked like God had taken a slice of butter out of it. Down to the roaring river And finally to the campsite! Ian and Bough were instant buddies! this was Rebekah’s first camping trip, too! Thanks to the Jones’ for their wonderful camping gear, and to our family who organized this amazing trip!

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