He is a blessing beyond words. Literally. I cannot find words to describe our Ian. He has a unique personality with a slowly growing vocabulary, and quickly growing independence, a strong will and a great big heart. He loves balls, balloons, bubbles, anything that goes, dogs, babies, his brothers, and he adores his daddy! If he’s upset at Mommy he cries for “Ma Daddy!”. 🙂 His word for yes is “Da” and he puts a hard “H” sound at the end of words like “rock” and “truck” and “lock” (his word for shut). I look forward to his vocabulary growing, and I love to hear him try out (and make up) new words!
I think he looks a lot like Jerome at two.
My prayer for him is that as he grows he will see his great need for Jesus, that he would be a blessing to all those in his life, and that his life will count for God’s kingdom. Thank you, Jesus, for entrusting him into our care and blessing us with his life!
Here are party photos with a big thanks to all who could come and celebrate Ian’s birthday with us!