She was here for one week, but she fit a whole month’s worth of activities into her short time here. She drove us to the beach one day, went on a hike with us another, and spent a day packing up her belongings to move back to Georgia. She did tons of other stuff, too, but I couldn’t keep up with her! Gigi, my sweet sister, thank you for coming and spending a week with us! I miss you already and my heart is lonely knowing you won’t be living eight minutes away to pop in for dinner every week. However, I am comforted knowing you are content where God has you right now and so grateful for all He is doing in your life. Thank you for everything. I love you!

 TANK! Tank and Raven I had to put Tank somewhere to sleep while we made the couch into a bed so I put him in Raven’s bed with her… and thankfully neither of them minded! It was great fun having the baby dog here for a week! Hiking in Big Sky with Gigi and the Jones’ The big boys were constantly ahead of the rest of us! Ah! the top! Looking out over a cliff where you can see a rusty old crashed truck at the bottom. Gigi carried Ian the whole hike! Thanks SO much! the little boys, thinking about how close they can get to the edge. ;-/ Gigi took this of Misty and I with our babies and this one of just us. I think it’s our only picture together! and Seth took this one of Gigi and I together! Ian watching Skyler being put in his backpack Back on the trail after a picnic at the top Audrey walking with Gigi and giving her flowers Jerome…waving us on? running up another hill Jerome and Wesley taking in the view and out distancing the rest of us! mustard hedges one more hill and almost to the end. A gorgeous day for a hike! When we got home Seth changed into his Spiderman and enjoyed a visit with Tank. and Gigi got ready for a photoshoot with me! We both put this off for too long! It was so fun photographing you, Gigi! you, too, Tank! You are stunning and beautiful inside and out! I thank God for what He’s doing in your life and for making us SISTERS! May you always know that I love you that you are a precious daughter of God and that you can always make me laugh! <mwah!> we already miss you and your Tankalank! Thanks for the visit!

This entry was posted on Sunday, April 5th, 2009 at 9:10 pm and is filed under Personal. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

One Response to “Gigi’s Visit”

GiGi Says:

I don’t have words in my vocabulary to express my love and appreciation for you, Neekers. Your words and your actions are so kind, tender, and loving. My heart aches from the fact that we’re no longer 8 minutes apart – I don’t know what I’m going to do without my weekly (if not more often) visits with you. I have been so spoiled and will simply have to blow up your phone with calls since our phone visits are the next best thing. I hate that I miss little things with the boys that happen so quickly. Like Ian saying new words, Jerome’s reading new words and Seth’s new perceptions of things… it all happens so fast. Thank you for spending this past week with me. I needed you. My heart needed you. You were sweet to put up with me and my pickiness with pictures. In the most simply but accurate way I know how to say it… I love you with all my heart.

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