diggin’ in the dirt together, three boys and a dog. taken from my bedroom window, Ian picked a tangerine for himself… climbed up the bank to the shade and sat down to peel and enjoy his snack! notice one shoe is missing. :-) I took this out of the kitchen window. I had made him clean up his bunk bed and in the process he found his adventure gear. Here it looks like he’s fencing. After sheathing his sword he picks up this pipe to sound a rousing blast of “Doodoodoo!!!” Next he pulls his telescope out of his belt to take a look around… then puts it away to come running in the house to tell me he spotted the city maintenance men drive upto fix our fence! He’s all set for his next adventure! After a wonderful afternoon in LA with Grandma Guy celebrating her 91st birthday (I forgot to take my camera) we got home in just enough time to make a wreath! before heading to church for AWANA. Yes, those are very chapped lips on Jerome. We had a lot of fun making this wreath out of trimmings from our tree, and the boys gathered the pinecones from under the trees and rolled them in glitter glue! It’s our first wreath, so I was going to drive a nail above the door… but there wasn’t time. :-) The next day all the boys are playing outside again and I notice Ian toddeling down to the avocado tree carrying a stool? Ha! He wanted to climb the tree like he sees Jerome doing all the time. Except the stool didn’t work as well as he thought. You see him yelling at me to help him! He sat there patting the tree and saying “Tee!” over and over again! He was so happy there he didn’t want to get down so I left him sitting up there for a while, and he loved it! he was putting “clogs” (as Seth says it) of dirt in the bastket? I still haven’t asked him about that one. Seth doesn’t quite climb trees yet, either. But he asked me to take his picture :-) “Then up.” he said. He wanted me to turn the camera. :-) I lOVE my boys!

This entry was posted on Sunday, December 14th, 2008 at 9:25 pm and is filed under General. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

One Response to “Tangerines and Wreaths”

Peter Says:

Jerome is *not* wearing lipstick. His lips are just really chapped.
Just wanted to clarify that.

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