My mind is still back in September somewhere. School beginning. Taekwondo lessons. AWANA. It’s taken me a while to get the hang of the routine of homeschooling with Peter in college plus little ones to care for. But here we are at the end of the year with Christmas approaching fast! We’ve made plans (but have not bought tickets yet)  to go to GA the week after Christmas because my twin sister and her family are flying back from Peru for a timely break! I’m shocked that I’m not actually jumping off the walls with excitement…it still seems too good to be true! Our whole family together again for a blissful week? I cannot think of a better gift!

Here are some pictures of the boys this past week:

 I saw this picture out of our livingroom window and grabbed the camera. Jerome was inside doing lessons with me, and Ian and Seth were taking a tangerine break from their play. Jerome had the idea that all three boys could swing at the same time if Daddy pushed them. he then asked me to go get my camera :-) This was taken as a bank of clouds was rolling in from the southwest. The sunset was amazing! But my camera was put away by then. Since the light was delicious and I did have the camera out, Peter helped me snap these photos of Ian. He is now 18 months old! He’s a precious little guy with his own ideas about things… and a ready smile! He follows his brothers around all day doing whatever they do and is frustrated if he can’t or they don’t let him. I pray that someday he will be a strong man of God and will be able to stand alone if need be, for what is right. He is such a joy! Daddy asked him “Where’s Ian’s belly button?” “Where are Ian’s eyes?” “Where’s Ian?” “There he is!” and now he’s done. :-) Seth just sat there twirling around on the swing by himself until we were all ready to go back to the house. Of all the boys, he plays by himself the most. winter light

This entry was posted on Saturday, December 6th, 2008 at 9:29 pm and is filed under Personal. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

One Response to “December Already?”

Melinda Says:

I’m so excited for you that Vanessa is coming up! I’m sure you will have a wonderful week!

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