Mommy’s playing with the camera again. It’s kind of fun! I pulled the camera out because we wanted to look closer at a woodpecker high up in the palm tree and we don’t have any binoculars. so I snapped pics of our afternoon instead. Seth was letting Jerome take a drink. Seth was busy for some time just playing in the mud he was making. playing with overexposure. bright oranges pastel giants the only little bunch of turned leaves around the house right now. she loves going alone to check the mail! making wet sand. it builds better that way. He makes he laugh! I asked him to swallow and go back by the tree for a picture. Jerome snuck in the first one. that’s almost what I wanted… There, that’s it! Wait a minute…where’s he got his hands? They do make me laugh! You can see Jerome’s intention, Ian’s oblivious stare, and Seth’s peeking. Nope, he’s not gonna roll with that one. the frame is off, probably because I was telling Jerome to let Ian go, but it’s the end of the series of failed photos so I like it. :-) Don’t worry, it stayed on the tree. Mommy picked him a ripe one. delicious light! Seth’s favorite place. this was an oops, but I like it! “Ian, can you smile for the camera?” sabotaging the lantana bush. making flower crowns? I LOVE this shot. Ian follows the big boys around wherever he can and is happiest being with them. :-) I know he’s talking, but this is what he was saying, “There’s sun in the lens. There’s sparkles in that camera!” Seth picked these roses for me from the side of the house. There were no stems so we floated them in a bowl. He liked that! I know it’s blurry, but it’s my favorite smile of his! ok, we did just wash the windows, but the couch is right under it which makes it nicely accessible to little hands, so it’s pointless to keep it clean. My funny Jerome! they’re moving the flowers by blowing them across the water. Ian put his mouth on the rim to blow the roses… and made himself laugh! What a blessing these boys are to me!

This entry was posted on Monday, October 20th, 2008 at 11:02 pm and is filed under Personal. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

One Response to “October Monday”

GiGi Says:

Neekers, thank you for making it possible for me to \touch\ them even when I’m so far away. I NEED y’all! Precious pictures. They’ve changed just in the month I’ve been gone. ALL MY LOVE

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