Last week Abby was over doing some homework with Peter and was able to help me with the boys before he got home. They picked up a big bag of apples that had fallen on the ground and Abby took them home to Mom who made a batch of amazing applesauce and shared with us! The second batch Jerome helped make with her when she so kindly rescued us from our brake faulty vehicle. (which is fixed now, $222 later)

Ian has been more and more wanting to be a part of the family at the table, so Peter hauled out the big Eddie Bauer high chair that Charlene gave us (it’s the first highchair we’ve ever owned, wonderful gift!) and put Ian in it with some toys during our meal, but he quickly became discontent with just toys and wanted food, too! Peter got out Mom’s applesauce and Ian devoured it like he was hungry! Five months is the earliest any of my boys have had any solid food, but he seems to be enjoying his privilege. I love the thoughtful look on his face after he takes a bite…like he’s thinking about how it tastes and feels.

Did I mention he’s growing up so fast?




This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 30th, 2007 at 10:01 am and is filed under General. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

One Response to “Applesauce”

Katy Nickerson Says:

His blue eyes are almost mesmerizing 🙂 He’s beautiful 🙂

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