August 24th, 2007

He is our firstborn, our cautious one. Jerome is very sensitive and he has an acute sense of the spiritual. He is very loving and affectionate…hugs are a very big part of his interaction with us.

I love watching him enjoy life to the fullest. I love how his questions seem to come out of nowhere and sometimes I have to really think hard before answering him. I love watching him build with his legos, blocks, and dirt and sticks. I love watching him climb trees like he was born to it. I love listening to his imagination take him on adventures of all sorts. And I love watching him cherish his baby brother.

I pray that he will grow into a godly man. That he will commit his whole life, heart and strength to his God…that he will be the kind of man his Grandpa Jerome was. I pray that he will grow in wisdom and grace.

We threw him a pirate party this year. Not because we condone what a pirate is, but because to him it is the adventure of sailing on a ship and finding treasure, wielding a sword in the air, and saying “Ahoy, matey!” with Daddy.

And on the day of his birthday he wanted to drive out to Daddy’s work and have lunch with him. Peter works at Westlake and the boys love to watch the ducks and boats and throw rocks in the water.

I love you my precious Jerome! Happy birthday!

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August 24th, 2007

Today there occurred something I cannot account for. A blessing I do not understand.

After church we decided to go out for lunch which is a real treat for us, and we even had a gift card for $5 to Red’s Barbecue.

We had a wonderful lunch together and a chance to discuss the sermon and a few books we’d been reading. Ian slept through the whole meal and the boys really appreciated the treat it was to eat out when they got to color at the table and order lemonade!

As we were finishing up our meal I noticed the lady at the table behind us was getting her check and seemed to speak familiarly with the waitress…I wondered if they were friends or related. But I also noticed that she was alone. She wore all white except for a bright pink purse; her hair was even white. As she was behind me I had not even known she was there until she was leaving. Peter had seen her and thought that maybe she was waiting for someone to join her.

We had to actually ask for our check from our waitress and she told us that there was no check. The woman sitting behind us had paid our bill in full anonymously. She did not know who she was and had promised not to say anymore, except that our lunch was on her.

I wished we had a chance to speak with her and learn her story. Who is she and why did she pay for our meal?

It was such a big, generous act of love toward us who were strangers to her. It gave me an overwhelming sense of security in God’s providence. We didn’t need her to do that….but maybe God just wanted to remind me…

There was a time in my life when God did things like that for my family and it was needed…very much. Hospital bills paid in full…money coming in at exactly the right time in exactly the right amount for things we could not pay. Because Daddy had gotten very sick and almost died, and he had lost his job because of that. But he had begun our family in an adventure that month…a life lived by faith. When we could not make the rent and had to move out with nowhere to go, God supplied a place. When a bill came due He also supplied the means to pay it, usually not very far in advance. We had to trust Him. As children Daddy expected us to pray and believe with him that all our needs would be met, and we did.

We were not to make our needs known to any man…but to God alone. He is sufficient and supplied for all our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus!

It was an exciting life, and I fell in love with a very big God who loved a very little me.

And He reminded me of that today.

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August 22nd, 2007


This blog is Peter’s gift to me. Thank you for all your time given and hard work, baby.

I love you forever and a day!

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