September 9th, 2007
This is a couple months late, but I don’t want to miss telling my world how much Donna means to me.
Donna is one of my closest friends, she is my sister-in-law and my midwife. All of my boys have been delivered by her.
God brought Scott into her life four years ago and their story is a fun one! They have been married for three years and have two boys. I love watching Donna and Scott together! They truly honor each other and have a deference and thoughtfulness toward their spouse that is remarkable.
Donna’s birthday is in the middle of July and we had her birthday party at our house this year. Mom brought over fixings for grilled pizzas and we served ice cream with yogurt, ginger snaps, and fresh apricots for dessert.
I hope you had a wonderful, memorable birthday Donna! And I hope you know how much I love you!

Scott made focaccia bread and bruschetta!

Seth and Zach are buddies…most of the time. 🙂

Thanks for the music, Anna!

Ian smiling at Aunt Abby!

Happy, happy birthday, Donna!!!
September 7th, 2007
I tried calling you and couldn’t bring myself to leave a message. And to tell you the truth, I’m afraid to call and hear the pain in your voice, the sorrow I cannot fathom and am too weak to think about.
Your beautiful second born daughter, my Aunt Cheri, has been gone for a month. It’s still hard for me to believe. She wasn’t a part of my daily life…but she wasn’t a hole, either. Now that she’s gone I feel the loss deeply. I didn’t expect that.
She died in the middle of summer.
Other people’s gardens have been overflowing their bounty into my kitchen this summer…squash, peppers, and tomatoes mostly, for which I’m very grateful. But the tomatoes make me think of my Aunt Cheri…because the most intimate tidbit I knew about her was that she hated tomato seeds. I never understood that, because I love them, but I always remembered it. So I have been reminded of her every day in my kitchen, and I can’t think about her without thinking about you, too.

How to capture a life? I take pictures and write about my boys, and occasionally I’ll pull the video camera out. But as hard as I try, life is still a passing breath and my efforts are pushing my mind back to the knowledge that all is God’s. He seeks what has passed by. I relinquish the right to keep the past.
But to the future? I dread the thought of living through what you are living through right now. Yet I know that you have the comfort of the hope of glory, and that is true comfort.
Mama told me she would show this to you. I’m glad she’s there so close to you. I want to come see you and bring my Ian to meet you soon. But for now, here’s my love, my thoughts, and my prayers. ~Always.~

September 6th, 2007
You just called me. I had been feeling acutely your absence from my daily life.
My whole world seems brighter now, just from hearing your voice!

We’re praying for you and your precious family, that God will grant you strength, health, and safety.
I love you!
September 6th, 2007
Saturday was Darrell’s birthday but he was gone on a retreat so we celebrated his birthday on Monday with everybody at Papa’s house for a family dinner.Jerome is getting braver in the pool!

Happy Birthday Darrell! We love you so much and pray that the Lord will pour out many good blessings upon you this year. May He give you the desire of you heart and glorify Himself in your life.

Auntie Jane and Ian…this picture reminds me of Jane’s baby picture with Mom.



and Seth!

September 5th, 2007
The boys often like to play on the piano at Papa’s house. I’m hoping someday they will learn how to play and sight read music, but so far they’ve learned to play gently, to wash their hands first, and to only use their fingers. 😉
Seth and Jerome were playing the piano together the other night and it had a discordant sound to it. Seth turned to me and said “It is sad.” We’ve learned that music is very powerful, and they are very sensitive to it.
A few minutes later Seth was playing the highest keys and Jerome had started playing one note at a time with one finger and “walking” up the keyboard. Seth said “Mommy, Jerome’s finger is coming!” 🙂
I love the perspective they give me on life!