September 22nd, 2007
After the first storm of the season blew in last night the rain stopped and the clouds parted to let the sun shine on Tim and Heather’s wedding. It was a beautiful celebration, even with the last minute change of plans every thing just smiled.
It was an honor to be their photographer. I enjoyed being a part of their day and capturing the details!

The rings.

The shoes!

The dress!

The bride!

The groom!

Their moments.

one of my favorite candids.

Congrats you guys!

And I couldn’t have done it without my man!
September 20th, 2007
Last Saturday night I got a whammy of a cold…in two hours. No warning sore throat, no “Oh no, it’s coming!” feelings. But thankfully I’ve seemed to have kept my germs to myself this time. The day after my cold seemed to get better I got another infection…which seems to be slowing getting better. And then today Peter stayed home from work with a stomach virus or food poisoning…he doesn’t know which.
It’s been a hard week. I’m grateful the only thing that had to happen was Jerome’s dental appointment which was scheduled to be the day after Mom got back into town and she willingly took him for me. He loves going to the dentist because he gets to pick out a toy…and he always chooses parachute men!

A few weeks ago I randomly noticed that the moon “starred” when I looked at it through our screen door. Seth was coming in from playing baseball with Daddy and Jerome this evening and he took a double take and said “There’s a star moon!” I couldn’t have said it any better than that!

Just in the past few days Ian has started reaching for things and grabbing them! He suddenly has this fascination with our food at the table and his toes when he’s lying down. So precious!

Old cartoons with Daddy!

We got a toy catalog in the mail today. Seth could hardly walk home from the street as he was totally absorbed.

Regina and Cynthia took me out to dinner last night. It was fun to be with the girls and eat a quiet meal! I’m so thankful to have her here…it’s still amazing to see her walk up to my door!
Pray that I keep getting better, please. I have a wedding to shoot this Saturday! I’ve shot weddings sick, pregnant, and postpartum before, but it’s hard. This is the last wedding for me this year as far as I know. I’m so blessed to be able to do what I enjoy, being with my boys and taking pictures!
September 15th, 2007
Thanks to my wonderful Peter who took all three boys to a birthday party this afternoon, I was able to complete a whole order of magnets in one sitting! As well as a couple other projects. It felt so good to be able to get stuff done without a million interruptions, and although the to-do list is still long, I feel able to tackle it and not so intimidated by it.
Thanks baby!

These are for you, Verity!
September 15th, 2007

Gotta love iPhoto!

Mema brought these balloons for the boys after Ian was born.

Gigi took them to the park!

I love his eyes in this picture! The jasmine is by our front door.

Pics from Easter that Eric sent me.

This one Donna took during a prayer on Mother’s Day!

This is also from Donna. Uncle Peter with Brennan.

A very pregnant me with Jane and Katy at Ian’s baby shower.

Two summers ago.

Um…this was my camera, but I wasn’t the one holding it…or being shot at!

I’ll end with this. That was fun!
September 15th, 2007
Or just a come and sit on the lawn movie night.
The Altamerano’s have a huge screen and projector, we have an accommodating yard, and the Jones’ have a theater popcorn maker. The combination is a lot of fun!
We’re definitely doing this again!

Two batches of Tollhouse cookies!

The end.