May 9th, 2008
With three boys.
Peter has finals next week and I haven’t seen him in two days, the boys haven’t seen him in three. This week hasn’t been very much different from earlier weeks, though, as it’s been a seemingly gradual increase in his school load. I’m not going to say much more about it right now as it’s the end of the week, my perspective is obviously tired and I don’t want to complain. We miss Peter, but are also thankful that summer is just around the corner!
Erika came for lunch yesterday with her little girl and little boy whom my boys thoroughly enjoyed playing with. Thank you for your afternoon, Erika!
And today Jenny brought her kids over with lunch and treats for everyone and spent her whole afternoon sharing with me. These precious women have made my week seem not as long and so much richer! When Jenny left with her daughter, son, and baby this afternoon she had let us keep the treats and chips she had brought, and as we walked back into the house from waving them off Seth asked me “Is the baby for us, too?” 🙂
In other news: Gigi and I are flying to Georgia next week with the boys to see Mema and Memama! Peter might meet us the end of that week, and there’s also a possibility of seeing Pete and Sarah while on that side of the country, so I’m stoked about that! And it’s all because of the generosity of the “Delta Man” who has sold us four buddy passes that we all get to fly for the price of one ticket. Yay!
I’m shooting a wedding tomorrow. It will be the first wedding I’ve done without Peter’s help since the film age. I could list all the other ways that he helps me at a wedding, but really what I value right up there above his digital and techy skills is his moral support. I’ve always said I couldn’t do a wedding without him, yet here I am. I’m hoping he can still come and put the slideshow up on his laptop at the reception, though. Pretty please? 😉
May 8th, 2008
One of my greatest dreams is to someday play the cello. I don’t mean perform or even be any good, but I would love to feel the instrument reverberate beneath my hands and make it sing. I love the sound of the cello and I can see myself playing one, but I suddenly realized with a sinking feeling last night that I don’t read a note of music. How disappointing that realization felt! Yet I wake up this morning and somehow feel that I cannot lose this dream. Maybe someday I will learn, maybe I can learn along with my boys. maybe someday I will play a cello.
May 4th, 2008
All week I had been looking forward to her coming. We don’t see each other nearly as much as we would like, but ever since our first introduction our relationship has been that which doesn’t feel time or know distance. Laura is a very creative and giving person. Her heart yearns for God and she is incredibly in love with her man and little girl. It is an honor to call her friend.
Laura, thank you for spending your afternoon with us and for bringing lunch Friday! What a treat. I love your food, and my boys do too! 🙂 Lets do it again soon!