September was a month of settling in, recovering, and beginning the routine of lessons and school. It began with an extra week with my Gigi, and ended with a wedding, which I will post next. Here are the few photos I took in September…

 September is usually the hottest month here. Seth enjoyed the sprinkler and pretended he could fly through rain. Ian stood at a safe distance from the sprinkler Peter put together this antique slide for the boys to used in the house It came from Honey’s estate (Thank you, Uncle Garin!) and has been a great distraction from the couches! On Labor Day we celebrated Darrell’s birthday with a pool party and a family dinner at Mom and Dad’s. Uncle Garin helped Seth with his swimming :-) Ian got warm in the sun with Auntie Jane I’m so thankful that we have family who loves the children and invests their time in them. The brown club! My Gigi stayed for an extra week into Setember with me… Thank you so much for ministering to me after the Brocks left, playing with the boys as they missed their cousins, and being a light in our home! I love you! It was Darrell’s birthday party! Yes, Peter was tired, but happy to be celebrating with his cousin. ;-) It was Bekah’s family birthday celebration, too!  I love the blowing help she got :-) Darrell didn’t need any help :-) We love you so much, Darrell, and pray God’s perfect will be done in your life. We went with Noel to the Simi Vally Days Parade… to see David drive a float! Go Dave! The boys got kazoos, candy, and frisbees thrown at them! :-) This was the boy’s first parade! It was a wonderful morning! Thank you for taking us, Noel!

This entry was posted on Saturday, December 12th, 2009 at 1:25 pm and is filed under Personal. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

3 Responses to “September 2009”

jane Says:

i know you’d like to be up-to-date on your blog posts, but it’s really fun to see photos from a few months ago… like the warm summer days by the pool – long gone in the cool, rainy weather today. the perspective somehow makes it that much more special. so i am nostalgic, i admit it. 🙂

Katy Says:

Can I join the brown club? And btw, I think I have that same brown sweater, or one that looks exactly like it. 🙂 (I wear it ALL the time, so comfy)

GiGi Says:

You were in fact, the one who ministered to me. God certainly did create us to need one another and you, my dear, fulfill your role in my life as sister, friend, confidant and mentor, better than I could ever hope or pray for. I love you dearly! Thank you so much for sharing these pictures!

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