My friend Laura brought her famous yummy pasta salad for lunch and took family photos for us! Laura, they are priceless treasures, thank you so much for the pictures!

My family, I cannot express my gratitude for you. Thank you for visiting us in our new home, thank you for blessing us.

I love you.

 Laura photographed the children making their way through the orchard up to the barn for photos. Laura got some individual portraits of the children first. Ian Seth (you can see where the cormorant kissed him) Ethan Corynn Jerome Our turn! Regina cracks me up! :-) all lined up goin’ down to the Sycamore tree where there’s a breeze! waiting for everyone to gather Jerome and Ethan cousins Jerome under the Sycamore Ethan cutie :-) Corynn under the sycamore Clara!precious Seth playing with Mema My boys and I Vanessa with her brood Gigi with her nieces and nephews! the Nicolosi sisters profiles hahaha! I love you, Gigi! fun times are guaranteed… when Gigi’s here! Gigi and Tank! Twins I love you, Nessers! Vann enjoyed his camera that he got fixed while out here! Clara snuggled with her mama. and we all enjoyed our last day all together. We snapped a group photo before going out to sushi for dinner! And I read one last book to the children before putting them to bed for their last night here this trip. That was our favorite thing to do together…or at least Clara’s and mine. :-) What a marvelous visit.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 24th, 2009 at 8:41 pm and is filed under Personal. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

2 Responses to “Family Photos”

Melinda Says:


I’m so glad you finished posting pictures of your time with Vanessa. When you posted part 1, I was already looking forward to seeing the subsequent parts.

Looks like you had fun with your family.


GiGi Says:

Oh my Vernaneekers!!!! You’re fabulous! Thank you for capturing our moments together. What a wonderful trip. I couldn’t have hand picked a better family. I love you dearly!

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