This couple was referred to me by my first beach wedding couple Brandon and Ashley who were married at the very same beach, actually, and for the same reasons. They both wanted to do the right thing, the righteous thing, and get married before living together. Hallelujah! What a wonderful honor it was to be there and document their commitment before their family and before God. The wind started it as soon as I got out of the car. Tears ran down my face until I got back in the shelter of the car, but I added my own tears into the mix of the day and my heart lifted up in thanksgiving and joy with Mallory and Mark. May the Lord richly bless your marriage as you seek to honor Him together!

 The dunes were beautiful! The light that day made the colors so vivid! guys pinning guys the bride! I loved this angle for her with the light behind her but her dad really wanted the ocean behind her in one too. Mallory has a great smile! She’s coming! precious moment Mark’s first sight of his bride! a treasure given and received and bound. blessings :-) so they will remember their laughter I love how the wind caught her dress I love kisses, but his little girl’s expression makes the photo! Married! May the Lord uphold them in their JOY and bless their union in Christ. He sang blessings upon them. see the best man’s face? He didn’t lose the ring! :-) Congratulations, man! Beautiful couple beautiful flowers Hahaha! Now that’s a new ring shot for me toasts and blessings! generations. moments. love. a walk a dance a kiss Congratulations, Mark and Mallory!

This entry was posted on Saturday, September 12th, 2009 at 9:51 pm and is filed under Weddings. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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