Jane has been so gracious to spend some time over here with us and a couple meals at our table before leaving on a missions trip this week. Here are some pictures of her time with my three and one year old.
Seth’s phrases that I’ve jotted down this week, always with a smile on my face, or laughing:
“Do whales have guts too, Mama?”
(This was at the breakfast table out of the blue. My only guess is the Seabird book on the shelf beside him?)
“I’m dancing in the blue!”
(We had one movie night on the lawn this past summer, and as the guys were setting up the projector, the screen was blue and the children were dancing in the blue light casting their shadows larger than life…in the blue.)
“Mama, it’s me moving the light!”
(During Ian’s nap the boys and I crawl through my bedroom window to access the bathroom through the laundry room. Today Seth said that and I turned to see him bouncing in a squat IN my window, enjoying watching his shodow bounce on the wall.)
“May I drink the fuzzy?”
(The boys are coming down with colds and Seth enjoys the emergenC he gets to drink.)