June 18th, 2008

Saturday afternoon we loaded up our car and Darrell and Eric piled in with us for a trip up the coast to see Jane graduate! The drive was broken up into one hour segments so it was a delightful trip and so fun to have the cousins along! Our first stop (after a tank up and some hot dogs from Costco) was the Santa Barbara beach where we met up with the Barlows for an hour to play in the sand and waves. And yes, I let my babies eat sand if they want to, and they all have…by the mouthful! (What kind of a mother that makes me, I’m not sure, but we have a lot of fun.) So while Ian was eating sand and running around, Peter had the big boys down by the water. It didn’t seem like a long visit at the beach but we were all wonderfully refreshed by the time the palm tree shadows reached our blankets. From Santa Barbara we caravaned with the Barlows to Lompoc where we had dinner then Scott escorted us onto the Vandenberg Air Force Base where we spent the night. In the morning it was foggy and rather surreal looking as we drove another hour up to San Luis Obispo on Sunday morning.

Sunday was Father’s Day. I had awoken at 5:30 with Ian and spent the morning praying and remembering and giving thanks. But I could not that morning recall the sound of my Daddy’s voice. That saddened me but did not disturb me. Later Sunday morning as we had gotten on our way again toward San Luis Obispo, I called one of my Daddy’s best friends Dr. Barney Davis, and just hearing his voice brought it all back again, even the sound of my Daddy’s voice. A strange and wonderful gift.

Peter and Dad had an eventful Father’s Day, of which I will share pictures in a moment, but I also wanted to publicly say how much I love those two and appreciate all they have been to me and our sons. Happy Father’s Day!

And now the very reason for our trip, Jane’s graduation from Cal Poly College of Architecture!!! She graduated Summe Cumme Laude with her Bachelors in Architecture and minor in construction management. (Thanks for the correct info, Donna!) And we are so proud of her! So without further ado, pictures:

 Santa Barbara beach in the late afternoon. When Jerome saw this resteraunt he said “Mommy! That’s the first real lighthouse I’ve ever seen!”…I didn’t correct him. :-) A game of frisbee in the shadows of the palms. Jerome looks so little next to the pier. Seth did not build this but he sure enjoyed it! A big wave came and knocked Jerome down! Scott and Zachary Zachary Paul! pic by his daddy Ian didn’t like the water nearly as much as the sand. had to dodge my face so you can see me in the shadow of my man. :-) going to wash up    shadows source a quick look at the skateboarders before piling into the car again. Seth said “I want to do that when I’m big like a daddy!” Lompoc Vandenberg Air Force Base early Sunday morning Cal Poly Jane was right up front there somewhere…  walking to the next ceremony   it helped to look up at the spacious ceiling instead of dwelling on the packed masses of people around us. Here she comes! looking Jerome was our banner and she saw him. :-)   we have missed you so, Jane. and love you too!  Anna and Ian saying hi to Jane Anna back upstairs with Ian right before she put him to sleep for his nap. Scott and Brennan! I had the zoom lens in front of my face, so I’m  not sure that Brennan saw me. Just as I was taking this picture the fire alarm went off. The ceremony continued for a few minutes, but everyone had to evacuate the building. My first thought was, “I wonder if Seth did that?”… and it was. Peter said he pulled an open fire alarm before he could stop him and there was no way of resetting it. Peter finally found a policeman to tell him there was no fire and that a little boy had pulled it. Ten minutes later the ceremonies resumed. Almost there!  Jane Guy, graduating Summa Cumme Laude!  Congratulations, Jane! Yay!  We love you so much! party time at the Lemkuels! somebody else got a hold of the camera…     I wonder who it was? nope, still not my pics, but I love your hair, Abby! thanks for grilling, David!  Jane and Peter The blessing and thanks. What a wonderful party for Jane!   and Happy Father’s Day, Dad! On the road home. not the most beautiful place we saw, but the light was amazing.

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June 13th, 2008

Anna’s birthday was on Sunday! She is such a light in our lives and precious part of our family. I hope you had a great birthday, Anna, and we love you so much!

 Songs and candles :-) Seth thought it was his birthday too? wishes! Sycamore Canyon at nine o’clock Thanks for the bonfire Peter and David!  Bonfire and guitar music flash.   Happy birthday sweet Anna!

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June 13th, 2008

Last Saturday morning as we were rushing off (late) to meet up with Ruth and hike in Ojai, Scott stopped by and brought us cinnamon rolls fresh from his oven for breakfast! Wow. What a way to make someone’s morning! As we walk into the Barlow’s house after our all day hike this amazing aroma of freshly baked pizzas greet us, and Scott has all kinds of homemade pizza pies lined up on his table. Zachary, you are one loved little guy!

 Ian found a playmate in Clara! Ian with Papa! Ian with Grandma! Zachary’s birthday cake by his loving mom! Checking out his train cake        on the phone with Livi! Time for presents!      A concrete truck! Makes a boy happy! We love you Zachary! Happy birthday!

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June 10th, 2008

I had heard beautiful things about Ojai but had never been, so when Ruth asked if I’d like to hike to the beach or in Ojai I went inland!

Ruth has an amazing, miraculous story which she told to me on our last hike when I was pregnant with Ian. (Is it just me, or is it difficult to talk to anyone with three rambunctious boys around, one of them strapped to you?) Ruth, thank you for organizing these amazing hikes, and I hope we get a chance to visit soon!

 First view Our group as we started out. Crossing stream midday A red tree! It’s still spring at 4000 feet! valley road streambed real. going to the “river” and passing beautiful mountains. Raven loved the water! So did the boys! Since they couldn’t get in yet they threw rocks to amuse themselves. Craig the mountain man! crossing again Seth brought his crane. Lunch spot! Ian got to get out during lunchtime, too! Ian back in the pack for a nap. This was an accidental capture of Seth tripping. Daddy pulled him up and he did not fall, but he was so very tired. frame going down before going up. We decided to continue hiking on our own to those big white rocks. Can you see Jerome? Can you see Seth? purple flower red berries. No Seth, these are for the birds. They’re not raspberries, I don’t know what they are. Let’s just look at them! Almost there! mariposa lilies? frame Yay, we made it! exploring following discovering my view “Look, Mommy! I can run up this rock!” another RED tree! colorful bark perspective renewing spikey flower this was in bunches alongside the trail. ? lichen walking back or not. thistle afternoon stream light paint afternoon sunshine A dandelion! path markers, jumping rocks, same thing. sun flare! from the parkinglot scotchbroom by the car Looking back on our way out of the valley. Goodbye Rose Valley! Los Padres National Forest.

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June 10th, 2008

Donna put together an outing on Thursday in honor of Zachary’s birthday to the Skirball Center to see the Noah’s Ark exhibit! It was so much fun! The boys could touch everything, climb on things, build things and run around experiencing the place. It was a great experience and we left wanting to go back again. Thanks for inviting us, Donna!

 There were pumps to pour rain and make the boat float. Brennan loved the wind tunnel! Zachary really enjoyed making the flood! Seth’s turn making the flood. Jerome cranked the wheel to make the animal “climb” the ramp. Seth putting the animals on two by two, but different kinds. Ha! glad he wasn’t hit in the face with a wooden animal! Seth enjoyed the butterflies and bees. So fun! Grandma helping Seth make the giraff’s neck move. Brennan and Jerome helping Jesse build the ark wall. It was kind of like a puzzel. Look! they got it! There was a whole wall of puppets! I’m not sure what the trap door in the ceiling was for, but Seth and Zachary enjoyed them! Noah’s Ark! With animals enough for everyone. Uncle Scott gave Ian a bear to play with…until he tried to eat it. In the water bridge between rooms. Auntie Well and Brennan climbing the ramp up to feed the birds. The younger ones really enjoyed the play food Zachary on the heights! Story and puppet time! I love how Seth kept his hand raised. :-) Everything here was made out of recycled material. A turtle made from recycled basketballs! Seth put the veggies on the fire instead of in the pot. Ian finally got out of his carrier! Last stop, the craft table. Lunch time! And the misting fountain on our way out. What a fun day!

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