As wife to a gentleman for six years and mother of three boys, two of whom are using the toilet, I guess I’m just plain lucky that I’ve come this far before falling into the toilet because the lid was up. Thankfully nobody got hurt, wet, or dirty…or fussed at, and my three year old calmly and quietly closed the lid for me, as he was the culprit and I was only taking a seat to brush his teeth.  🙂

This afternoon while Jerome was happy burning holes in leaves with his magnifying glass, Seth was happy to walk around with his sweatshirt up over his head like a bonnet, when in reality he was disliking getting undressed and enjoyed being stuck better.

Ian took his first little steps today!!! He stood up in the kitchen and stumbled towards me and when I squeaked for Peter to look, Ian stood up and did it again for Daddy to see! Of course this is all after a very long day for all of us and we have no energy to celebrate. Everybody’s in bed except for Ian who had a nap in the car, and me. My brain is rather fuzzy with sleep deprivation and a cold to boot, but these thing I wanted to remember and share with you.

Here are some of the boy’s recent drawings. Seth made his while sitting in church with Noel:

 Seth told Noel “It’s an alien family” He told Noel that this was a “spider with a bag with all the bugs for later”! Jerome told me that the middle part is the pirate’s hips (!) and the spikes under the boat are the anchores. Notice he has five toes and fingers on each limb, too.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 9th, 2008 at 9:59 pm and is filed under General. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

2 Responses to “To Remember”

jane Says:

these are great. 🙂 is that a heart in the sky over jerome’s boat man?

Abby Says:

oh my Veronique!! that is hilarious!!!! so happy you shared it! gave me a wonderful laugh. 🙂 love you! (still laughing and smiling) =P

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