April 30th, 2008
Sitting at the pump the other day the boys were asking me all about how the gasoline gets in the car and what the numbers meant. After answering their questions to the best of my ability we just sat watching the numbers run. As I was thinking how expensive it was to fill up the car, Seth says, “Our car is growing up!”. 🙂
April 29th, 2008
There are so many things I love about you. I love how you enjoy food and cooking, even how you hold your apple when you’re eating. I love how you search out a matter and love to learn about new things. The way you laugh through a hard day and enjoy watching your grandsons, your mindfulness of eternity and how you live for others is truly inspiring to me. Your example, your help and your love are so much appreciated. I love you, Mom! Happy Birthday!

April 29th, 2008
It seems rather fitting that my camera and I would be sick the same week. But that’s not quite right, as she’s in the shop for repair and I’m just coping at home with three boys and the flu.
Our Ian turned eleven months old last Wednesday, but we’ll have to have our photo session a week or so late. I had known about the problem my camera was dealing with, and I had also known that the extended warranty that Peter paid for when we bought the camera was good til June but in order to use it I would have to pack it up and ship it out into the unknown. I really didn’t want to do that so I procrastinated. What I was feeling had no ground of reason but I didn’t care, I just couldn’t send it out. Peter let me take it to a shop in T.O. on Thursday and I took Mom up on an offer to drive us out there as it takes 40 minutes or more for me just to get out there. She drove us to Peter’s work and we were able to have lunch with him out by the lake, which was such a treat as he’s only been home for one evening this week. Mom knew just where the camera repair shop was and they knew just who I was, as I’m a rather nervous customer. They said they’ll have it ready for me just in time for my next photo shoot…I pray they will, and that my baby will be all better!
So I’ll tell you about who Ian is at eleven months old, as he has no pictures this week. He is climbing easily up onto the block box and then up into Seth’s bed, which bothers Seth. Ian also climbs onto the dinning room chairs and then onto the table. He climbs very quickly into the laundry room if I have not locked both the bathroom and laundry room doors, and he climbs a little more slowly up the concrete step outside because of the roughness of it. He has just this week started to throw fits. As he turns himself around on the floor plopping his bottom down and arching his back it has become quite clear that he does indeed have a sin nature. Why does it always seem to surprise me that my little cherubs are fallen creatures? As I’ve felt far from able to deal with him I’ve simply held him still until he calms down and then pick him up immediately. Although the other night when I couldn’t even do that much for him, he just fell asleep on the floor with his arms tucked under his head. Ian adores his daddy. I can’t even tell you how much he loves Peter. He will follow Peter around until Daddy picks him up but that’s usually right away. 🙂
Saturday I started feeling sick but Peter had to study and Gigi had offered to help me with some projects around the house so I went and picked her up. On the way home, however, we made quite a few errands getting the Brock’s newsetters out (thanks for all your help, Gigi!) and getting some groceries and making a deposit at the bank as I don’t go to the bank with all the boys in tow. As we were out I got a call from Peter about an estate sale, and through many misunderstandings (on my part) and great generosity on Peter’s part (and thanks to David for his help and the use of his truck), we now have a brand new washer and dryer set sitting in our shed waiting for school to let out! And thanks to Gigi for her generous heart and seemingly boundless energy I now have a floor in my bedroom! After many months of a gradually vacillating wardrobe I needed help sorting through it all, and Gigi offered to help me tackle my clothes as the first of several projects around the house. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Gigi!
Sunday I couldn’t even get up out of bed, so Peter took the boys to church, got the washer and dryer and cared for the boys all day. It wasn’t until the boys were in bed that he left to study. Thank you for serving us so cheerfully, Peter!