This was Jerome’s first Grand Prix…boy, was he excited! Daddy helped him make his race car, ok, he made it for Jerome with some suggestions. The anticipation has been visibly mounting. The wheels got on just last night, they were oiled just this morning, but the “Speed Demon” (which it came to be called by the judges) was weighed in just in time for the races! His car was easily winning or coming in second on each run and he would have won except it jumped off the track on the last race! Sweet Jerome was thrilled to get a first place award for Design, although his Daddy and I think it was a consolation prize. 🙂 Peter used to make his own cars for the Grand Prix and Jerome enjoyed hearing about his Daddy’s race cars. This was a fun day for both of them!
“Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith…”
(Hebrews 12:1,2)