Thanks to Darrell and Eric who so thoughtfully brought their sleds for the boys to play with, and also for giving up half of their snowboarding time to come play with us, the boys got to experience wonderful snow and the speed of a good downhill slide! Peter drove and drove as far as he could up a mountain until we found a spot with clean, unpacked snow and someplace not too steep. It was a truly wonderful afternoon, but oh, so cold! And the majestic biggness of the world there reminded me how great our God is!

   There goes Seth on his first run! Darrell!{First led} Jerome LOVED sledding! Seth hiking back up. Thanks for the boost, Daddy! Eric going down fast!    Riding with Daddy was better. :-) Darrell and Jerome! Yes, I went down once with Peter…and a sleeping Ian! Too busy to fix his hat. Good catch, Daddy! “Look, Mommy! I found snowballs!” Seth didn’t like his icy mittens. Jerome on the big, beautiful mountain. Behind him you can see the desert we drove through to get to the snowy mountains. A fleeting smile from Seth while he takes a rest. Heading further down the mountain. Darrell and Eric on a giant snowball chair. Darrell and Jerome making snow angels! Seth in a tree! Jerome in a tree!{Firstsled} Snow fight!   Peter and Seth… throwing snow! Seth liked the snow after he figured out he could throw it at people! Eric braving a steeper hill. candid Family picture in the snow! With my man! Eric had my camera. cousins Ian woke up!{First sled} His poor little nose was so cold! He woke up laughing, precious boy! Darrell throwing snow into the sun. Eric throwing snow into the sunshine. Daddy shaking the ice off of Seth’s glove while warming his cold little hand. Snow is so difficult to walk in, especially for tired little boys. They have a kind Daddy! Trudging back up the mountain to the car.

This entry was posted on Sunday, January 20th, 2008 at 8:46 pm and is filed under General. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

One Response to “Sledding!”

jane Says:

looks like so much fun!! so glad you guys took some time out to do that. 🙂
we looked out the window of our studio at school tonight to see a dusting of snow on the low foothills around the valley here… it’s been a cold storm. miss you all.
love you,

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