Her writings are inspiring to me and her philosophy of education is worth studying. This tidbit spoke to me this week. It reminds me to lift up my gaze, as Dad so encouraged me to do also.
“To bring the human race, family by family, child by child, out of the savage and inhuman desolation where He is not, into the light and warmth and comfort of the presence of God, is no doubt, the chief thing we have to do in the world. And this individual work with each child, being the most momentous work in the world, is put into the hands of the wisest, most loving, disciplined and divinely instructed of human beings. Be ye perfect as your Father is perfect, is the perfection of parenthood, perhaps to be attained in its fullness only through parenthood. There are a few mistaken parents, ignorant parents, a few indifferent parents, even one in a thousand callous parents; but the good that is done, under God, by parents, whether directly or indirectly…The highest duty imposed upon him, it is also the most delicate; and he will have infinite humility, gentleness, love, and sound judgment, if he would present his child to God and the thought of God to the soul of the child.” ~Charlotte Mason
Glimpses of our week…last week:
Seth and Jerome digging first thing in the morning:

Ian is crawling all over the house now, but he hasn’t quite figured out the obstacle course idea:

He’s also learning that Mommy is happy to give him his own water if he’s thirsty:

We made Christmas cookies with Grace!

Jerome usually does his lessons while the little boys nap, not today:

He really is making wonderful progress in his reading and is sounding out small words!