October 3rd, 2007

It was all too short, the time we had to visit, but I’m so glad Byron and Verity could stay for dinner with us! They had a couple appointments out here today and arrived at our house in plenty of time for a little photo shoot before dinner. I love to watch these two together…they are so in love and absolutely and openly adore each other! Their baby is due on Thanksgiving, which seems very fitting for them. Here are some of my favorites.








Thanks goes to Seth for holding the light reflector for me!

Unfortunately our evening was cut short as we had to get to church, but hopefully we can get together again soon.

Tonight was the first night of AWANA for this year. Jerome went into Sparks and Seth is in Cubbies! Jerome was participating in the games and having a blast, raising his hand and answering group questions, and stoked to see his friends. Seth is going to take some time to get in the groove, but he said he had fun. Their memory verses are going to become a daily part of our school routine to get them done.

When we got home we discovered the dog had gotten into the trash while we were out (although she was a bad dog, she hadn’t gotten dinner yet and was a hungry girl!) and as Peter and I were putting our bags and the baby down, Seth picked up all of it without being told, threw it away, and smiled up at us and said “You’re welcome!” when we thanked him.

It seemed like our boys had grown up so much in one night!

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October 2nd, 2007

Yesterday my little Ian woke up with his first cold. He was rather subdued and needed me most of the time, and it was hard to see him snuffly and gasping when he tried to nurse. Today he seems to be better and he is more his cheerful self. We missed his smiles.

Yesterday Vann and Vanessa moved out to their property! They have been working so very hard to get their garage enclosed so they could move in, and now it’s happened! And they are thrilled notwithstanding the fact that there is no electricity yet, or running water, or sewer, or telephone. And that’s where my hardships begin. I’m so excited for them that they are finally in their own place, but I feel like they’ve actually moved across the world now. For the past couple years they’ve had internet and telephone and I could call whenever I needed to hear her voice. Once again, and every day, I give them into the hands of God who alone can protect them and guide them. And I must remember that He answers whenever they call and I must watch and pray.

Seth woke up this morning with his croupy cough. Today he played just fine and was his energetic little self, but now he’s pretty pitiful. We’ve hung a towel up at the end of his bed to block the moonlight from shining in because he says he doesn’t like the green light of the moon. 🙂


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