That’s the awesome lens we rented for the wedding on Sat. We have to take it back in the morning, so the boys and I played around with it today.
Here’s our day in pictures.
Ian fell asleep in my arms while I post-processed wedding pics this afternoon.
I took the boys out for another overalls and barn shot now that Ian can look at the camera.
Brown, Blue, and Green.
I love the mud on his feet. 🙂
Self portraits
If you’ve called my house recently you’ve probably talked to Jerome, he loves answering the phone!
“Look, Mommy! My John Deere!”
Seth is lying on the floor eating dried mango.
Jerome liked the pose, too.
Jerome took these pictures of me!
Our five year old.
I love the color of this shot! And we’re trying raw garlic for his warts. 🙂
It was a beautiful day.